Excuse me is this your fork in the road?
My biological mom just stopped by work. (Insert confused look here)
That's right my mom.
The one who shuns her non-child bearing, unmarried, eldest child, in favor of her other two daughters with marriages and children and her youngest son who still lives with her. She lives an hour from here while her three daughters all live within fifteen minutes of each other. She sees Mary Ellen and Jean at least three times a month. I know because they tell me this. However, I haven't seen her since...oh last spring at one of my nephew's birthday parties I think. I'm not bitter. I've actually come to terms with it a long time ago. I know it's my fault. When I was fourteen years old, I probably shouldn't have told her to get bent and not come to my birthday parties in July if she couldn't make it to Mary Ellen's in October. (She did this three years running and I couldn't stand to listen to Mary Ellen cry anymore.) Since then I don't see her in July or December. This includes cards and phone calls as well. I do get an occasional email but it isn't holiday related no matter what time of year it is. I only run into her at family functions like birthdays or weddings or the occasional run in at my sisters when she stops by. Ah whatever! Still for her to actually make an effort and stop by randomly at my work place! Where she's never been and all she wanted was to just say hi. Wha What????
Gee maybe I should get all excited or something. Wait I think this is it.............. No false alarm sorry just gas.
sorry hon, no 14 year old can legitimatly take the blame for the choices of an adult, no matter how immature they are.
Sorry I should have qualified this entry and the last with a disclaimer stating that all remarks made by me today are being controlled by the parts of my brain dealing solely with sarcasm and deranged humor.
Hey, maybe she just realized it was National Recommitment Month or that I won't be around on the 14th for Birth Mother's Day or something.
I should just go to bed now today is a waste of brain function.
i thought is sensed a strong bent of sarcasm, but sometimes it's hard to tell with reading. and every day is wasting brain functions. that's what they're there for ;)
I sooo hate sarcasm!
Keep it up and I'll take your beer away!!!
then i can pee in it?
Right first we take it away then you pee in it. It makes no sense if you pee in it and then we take it away.
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