
Forward it is..

I’m a little bummed out today because I discovered I have missed out on some pretty cool holidays in April. Things like ….

National Welding Month

Weekly Celebrations:
Week 3 Organize Your Files Week
Week 4 National Karaoke Week

Each Day:
2 National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day (I really should have celebrated this I lived off the things during tax season)
3 Don't Go to Work unless it is Fun Day and Tweed Day (Ok no to the tweed and no to work)
4 Hug a Newsman Day, Walk around Things Day and Tell a Lie Day (So if we see the newsman we need to go up to him, walk around him very fast, hug him, then tell him a lie. What a great holiday)
5 Fun at Work Day (Not possible)
6 Plan Your Epitaph Day (Fun for the whole family)
8 Draw a Picture of a Bird Day (Why??)
13 Blame Somebody Else Day (Today it’s …Ian’s fault. Why? Well, why not? It could have been anyone’s fault.)
17 National Cheeseball Day (Because everyone loves cheese.)
19 National Garlic Day (Not for our Vampire friends.)
20 Look Alike Day (I’m confused, am I suppose to look for my look alike, or try to look like someone else?)
24 Pig in a Blanket Day (I remember those. It has been forever since I’ve had one though.)
25 National Zucchini Bread Day (Again why?)
26 National Pretzel Day (So are we celebrating the food or the act of turning ourselves into pretzel like shapes? Twister needs to be involved if it’s the later of the two.)
27 Executive Admin's Day or Secretary's Day (Yep I missed it, or more accurately my boss did because he doesn’t appreciate me)
28 Kiss Your Mate Day (Isn’t this everyday?)
29 National Shrimp Scampi Day (Taste good but why do I have to celebrate it? What has it done for me lately?)
30 Hairstyle Appreciation Day and National Honesty Day (I can see needing a holiday to appreciate hair styles but why do we need a day set aside for honesty?)

Therefore, in an effort to celebrate May’s holidays properly I am posting a list of the more interesting ones with a few suggestions where appropriate on how you can celebrate. Enjoy!!

Date Your Mate Month (Again this should be every day of the year people)
National Barbecue Month (Yum)
National Hamburger Month (Yay Meat!! Ok so that sounds wrong until you realize I live with a vegetarian)
National Recommitment Month (For those of you who really need to)
Older Americans Month (What!!!)

Weekly Celebrations:
Week 2 Wildflower Week
Week 3 National Police Week (I just like that this is followed by wildflower week)

Each Day:
1 Loyalty Day or Save the Rhino Day (So be loyal to your Rhino)
3 Lumpy Rug Day (OMG)
4 National Candied Orange Peel Day (I didn’t know there was such a thing as candied orange peel and now there’s a day dedicated to it!)
5 Cinco de Mayo, National Hoagie Day, and Oyster Day (So this could be a messy messy day if you combined all three celebrations into one.)
6 Beverage Day, National Tourist Appreciation Day, and No Diet Day (Drink a lot, don’t shoot the tourist, and eat anything you want.)
7 International Tuba Day (Please no)
8 No Socks Day (I’ve got nothing here)
9 Lost Sock Memorial Day (WOW)
11 Eat What You Want Day (Well ya considering the 6th)
12 Fatigue Syndrome Day (It’s a Thursday this year I can see that.)
14 Birth Mother's Day (See I need this day because I’ve got way to many mom’s lol)
15 National Chocolate Chip Day (Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.)
16 Love a Tree Day (Not that kind of love pervert.)
17 Pack Rat Day (A day for me.)
18 No Dirty Dishes Day and Visit Your Relatives Day (These two just belong together.)
20 National Be a Millionaire Day (I’ll participate in this one if you provide the million!)
24 National Escargot Day (I’d like to say yuck but I’ve never tried it.)
30 Water a Flower Day (Just one don’t over do it.)31 National Macaroon Day, Save Your Hearing Day, and World No Tobacco Day (Eat macaroons while wearing ear plugs so you don’t hear your significant other screaming that he or she needs a cigarette.)

Today in history Gideon Sundback of Hoboken, N.J. patented the zipper. (1913) That was a very important invention so why are we not celebrating that? We could even have a following celebration to protect the penis from the zipper.


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